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"The Mechanical Doctor"

Wayne is a mechanic of 30+ years earning him the title of a true master of the mechanical arts having fixed thousands of cars over his years of operation. 


Born in Rimbey, Alberta, Wayne grew up with a small town mentality and a work ethic to boot. Wayne dabbled in mechanics in his adolescence, working with the auto wreckers to earn an honest living on his own.


At the age of 15, Wayne had immersed himself so much in mechanics that he rebuilt a 235 Straight 6-cylinder on a 1973 Chevy Half ton solidifying his status as a prodigy among men.


Years later, now located in Calgary, Alberta, Wayne is the main man when it comes to automotive repairs. With his enormous experience backing him, no matter what the issue that may come his way, rest assured, we have the best on the case!

The Team: About


"A Backyard Mechanic"

Ed Rhein, a backyard mechanic and the co-founder of E&W Auto, is a eccentric and highly motivated young man with exceptional knowledge in automotive repairs and servicing. 


Born in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Ed grew up fostered in a if you break it, fix it environment, utilizing his time by fixing things that had broken down in his garage. As the years went by, he met and became friends with Wayne Mielke, and the two began helping friends with their auto struggles, now turned enterprise.


The incredible dedication Ed puts into his work, coupled with his vast business sense guarantee's you the best price and work anywhere in the city.

The Team: About Us
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